Homeschool Swim and Gym

Homeschool Swim and Gym

Middle Tyger’s Home School PE Program provides home schooled children a place where they can exercise and participate in sports in an instructor led setting. Our program is designed to be sports related and swim lessons, while showing children how much fun exercise is. 

Mondays and Wednesdays 12 – 2pm. PE time will be from 12 – 1pm and swim time will be 1 – 2pm. Instruction is 30 min in the water.  The remaining time is free swim time where all pool safety rules apply.  

Parents are welcome to stay or workout on YMCA property during gym time 12 – 1pm. Parents are changing children for pool time at 1pm.

Program fees are paid monthly. $45/month for YMCA Members; $100/month for non-members.

Ages Kindergarten – 10 years old



Middle Tyger
4/2/25 - 5/28/25

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
8/1/24 6/1/25 Online / Front Desk $ 45.00$ 100.00

Available Sessions

04/02/25 - 04/30/25
Mo,We - 12:00 pm - 2 hrs
05/05/25 - 05/28/25
Mo,We - 12:00 pm - 2 hrs
will open on