Thomas e Hannah Site After School 2019-2020
After School Program at the Thomas E Hannah Family Branch, includes snack, homework help, arts and crafts, games, sports development, swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Days children are out of school we provide care for an additional fee, they are called SOS Days and are a separate registration.
We pick up at the following schools:
Pine Street Elementary
EP Todd Elementary AND Middle
Spartanburg Prep
Meeting Street Academy
McCracken Middle
Jesse Boyd
Jesse BoBo
Drayton Mills
District 7 Early Learning Center
Payment Options:
- Draft Monday before week of care
- Does not include SOS days or school breaks
- Does not include camp
- Includes first week of June
- Does not cover SOS Days or school breaks
- Does not Include Summer Camp
- Drafts on the 15th of each month
Year Round Care:MUST BE A Y MEMBER
- Includes all SOS Days and school breaks!!!
- Includes first week in June
- Includes Inclement Weather Days (if we have them)
- Includes Traditional Summer Camp
- Days on the first of each month
We follow the District 7 school calendar. Please email [email protected] for additional questions.